Have Faith Somalia!

Liido Sea Food Restaurant, a popular gathering for Somalis to relax
(Picture courtesy of Moga Tribune)

Shocked? Yes. Terrified? No. Disgusted? Of course. Angry? Most definitely! What I had witnessed this afternoon has touched me so much. It’s so sad to see my beloved nation still being scarred by groups who have no moral or faith. I have witnessed a car bomb go off at Liido Sea Food, a popular restaurant right on the tip of the Indian Ocean.

Just after we had all thought the high times of Somalia was re-emerging, a car bomb was detonated today in Mogadishu where me and some friends, by the will of Allah, had escaped within seconds. The power of the bomb was the most shocking and loudest sound I had ever heard and would not wish on anyone to ever witness.

Recapping my thoughts while alone in my room, the saddest reflection evolving on my mind is why would you target a restaurant? What could you possible achieve? The ideology of some of my countrymen really is disturbing. This is not an Islamic action, no. This is a personal war being fought by groups who only want full control over Somalia. This is a war for power and nothing else.

If you have ever witnessed an explosion, you would know the mind automatically goes on a confused feeling of not knowing what had just happened or where in the world you currently may be. Countless thoughts come across your brain, whether to run, help casualties, duck for cover and so on. After all, you are a human and always your first actions are to protect yourself. But what if you have persuaded friends to come along with you when they probably had other plans? I’m sure a feeling of guilt runs through you and their safety will be a priority as they have cancelled plans to fit into your schedule. I am grateful to Allah for protecting us.

All praises go to Allah for guiding us and returning us back to safety. Only a real man would accept his responsibilities and a coward would avoid all consequences. 

Allahu Rahma to those who died and a full recovery for the injured.

The explosion had occurred in the parking area of the restaurant were a car fully loaded with explosion, was left at the driveway. We had arranged to go for a quick coffee to relax and take a breather from work life. Approaching, we had briefed ourselves whether we should go inside the restaurant, or drive past it and park right nearby next to the beach for a quick view over the Indian Ocean. While concluding, we had agreed to go inside the restaurant for coffee and then maybe over to the sea.

At this moment, we had parked our car right outside and this is only by the grace of Allah. While locking our vehicle, BOOM, the loudest explosion with thick black smoke rising from the parking lot. Our vehicle shook with all windows smashing, which caused debris all over. The sound of the explosion still rings right across my ears.

One can never get tired of thanking Allah for steering us away from going inside the gate to park in the space provided. Had we not done that, who knows what would have happened?

I can only continue praying for my people to be re-united as prayer is a tool which I have full confidence on.

Wherever you may be, please pray for Somalia Inshallah

Soomaaliya haa Nolaato!

Mohamed Hassan (Dj)


  1. By the grace of Allah (swt) you and your friends were saved. I can't seem to imagine what you must have experience Subhana'Allah. I honestly thought the country was on the right track, but every time we think we are moving one step forward we seem to be taking 10steps back.

    I enjoyed reading your blog and your stories are very enlightening, and I could've not said it better. Prayers are the key to everything and our country can use all the prayers we can get.

    All I can say is continue raising awareness and may Allah protect you as he did today.

  2. Thank you for your warm words Roda. We cannot give up on Somalia, not now inshallah

    Great to hear you are enjoying my blog, I really do appreciate it a lot. Readers like yourself are the sole reason I continue with Moga Tribunal.

    Hope all is well on your side

    Deeq - Editor - PPG


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