We stronger than this

Mogadishu, amidst the hunger for peace from its citizens, such terrible news and saddening to hear of a suicide bomb that went off today 12/06/2013. The day that this nation rises is a day where many are hopeful of. Deep condolences to the victims and a speedy recovery for those hurt. 

We have turned the corner and cannot be stopped now. The city is reviving and so are its people. A day will come when all are together in Somalia. A dream shared by millions of others.

Deeq – Editor - PPG


  1. Greetings from Ireland and please do stay strong Somalia. I have lived and worked in Mogadishu in the 80s with Siad Barre in power, a beautiful nation with beautiful people.

    My love to the Somali people

    Warm regards

    Irene McDonald - Belfast, Northern Ireland


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