Hotels Hotels Hotels!

Sahafi, Ambassador, Kuwait, Nasahablood, Shaamo, Jazeera, Malaika, Peace Hotel, City Plaza, Global and it goes on, Just an endless list of hotels opened up in Mogadishu and increasing by the day. On Maka Al Makurama Street, the busiest and major road which connects the metropolis, you would be amazed to see the quantity of Hotel signs up. 

For a municipality which has witnessed endless brutal war and chaos just 2 years ago, one would have found it unimaginable at the current rate.  It truly is astonishing and remarkable for Mogadishu to look brightly to the future. 

Some may state, who truly are these owners looking at for customers? In addition to that question, is it really a wise decision to set up hotels in a city which is currently just healing from 2 decades of aggression and destruction? Only time will tell. 

As for the progressive element, it shows the world that we are open for business and we focused on business, period.

With roads now on construction, glorious weather and an untapped vast amount of natural resources, I fully understand why some East African Media outlets report only negatives stories out of Mogadishu, waa naga baqaan.

We are rising and may this progress continue for our national goal; A better Somalia.

Mohamed Hassan (Dj)
