Mogadishu has witnessed yet another heartbreaking incident of police brutality, with a young rickshaw driver being killed by officers. It is an unbearable tragedy for the family of the victim, and it serves as a stark reminder that similar incidents have been occurring in the city for many years.
The institution that is meant to protect us has let us down, with rogue officers making their way into the police force and nothing being done to vet them from the system. This is an outrage that cannot be allowed to continue and it must be addressed in order for justice to be served. We must demand accountability from the authorities and ensure that those responsible for this tragedy are brought to justice.
Unfortunately, the security sector in Mogadishu has been plagued with drug abuse, particularly amongst young and reckless members of society who are recruited by security agencies. This has only served to exacerbate the problem of police brutality in the city, as officers high on drugs are more prone to using excessive force.
It is essential that we combat this issue in order to ensure that similar tragedies do not occur in the future. We must also look to recruit more responsible people into the security sector, who are committed to protecting the citizens of Mogadishu and safeguarding their rights.
The family of the victim deserve answers, and we must ensure that their voices are heard. Our hearts and prayers go out to them in this difficult time, and may justice be served swiftly.
Mohamed Hassan
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